Monday, October 28, 2013

Red rock and ancient civilizations -10/25 - 28

Dave Taylor welcomed us back to Utah with a comfy bed, great meal at the Red Iguana, and a fun slide show of the possibilities awaiting Kat and I in southern Utah. Dave has spent a bunch of time over the last 10 years checking out remote little visited Anasazi sites. Armed with maps and our trusty 4 wheel drive Explorer we headed south to Cedar Mesa. 

This turned out to be a great call. After a long drive and a bit of 4 wheeling we found ourselves overlooking a canyon full of ancient sites. Better yet the other two camps on the bluff turned out to be great neighbors, (unlike the boy scout troop we had next to us the night before in Goblin valley). On one side we had Pam who had spent 20 years exploing the area and on the other side was Rick and Donna, recent transplants from  Soldotna AK who had just moved to Salida CO. We spent the day hiking and the evening chatting as Rick played the Guitar. 

Kat got her first taste of playing on the slick rock as some of the sites were in exposed places and required careful climbing. 

We're now in Kanab where we hope to connect with Alaskan friends Tim and Michelle and Mark and Ann tomorrow. The fun continues. 

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