Exit Glacier road has been a favorite place to blade because it's a spectacular 8 or so mile drive through the mountains alongside a glacial river to the Glacier. You never know when you're going to see an eagle, moose or bear . Unfortunately the road surface has always been marginal for blading due to a lack of a wide shoulder and the fact that you always need to watch for gravel on the road. I thought I was watching. My blading style is a little like speed skaters swinging their arms. When I launched I was mid swing and when I landed I did so on my hip rather then my knee pads or wrist guards. I was wearing a helmet but my head didn't hit. My hip took the brunt of the fall with my little pinky finger getting a deep cut across the knuckle.
My bleeding finger initially got my attention but as I struggled to climb out of the ditch I realized that my left leg was not working. A passing RV saw me and slowed to a stop. They were kind enough to hop out and help me out of my blades and into their vehicle for transport to my car. As I drove home I called Kat to tell her to get the steri strips and 1st aid kit out. By the time I made it to Lowell point I knew we'd be heading back into town for a visit to the ER.
At the Seward ER X rays confirmed my fears. I had a complete femoral fracture near the top of femur at the neck just below the ball. Fortunately the femur was aligned. The ER doc Julia Sicilia began making calls to Anchorage and was able to connect with the Dr Tower the orthopedic surgeon that had worked on her ankle. We had an appointment for 9am the next day in Anchorage. The photo above shows me settling in to the back of the Explorer for the drive to Anchorage. This would be my home for the next 16 hours as I figured it was easier to leave me in the vehicle then to move me into Harry and Courtneys and out again. Courtney hosted a very nice tea party in the Explorer when we arrived at their place. After a sleepless and painful night I questioned my stay in the Explorer decision.
In the morning it was off to Providence Hospital and a day of waiting for surgery. In late afternoon I was wheeled into the operating room and a few hours later woke up with three new pins in my leg.
By early the following morning I was ready for something other then perpendicular. The nurse let me take my first steps with the help of a walker.
Here's a photo of my hip. I'm not exactly sure how long the bruising will be present. Each day I'm able to crutch a little further and have a bit more mobility with my left leg. Dr Tower has told me that I will need to use crutches for the next 6 weeks and that while using crutches my left leg can be partial weight bearing. I slowly walked around Lowell Point today. My best physical therapy is walking. I'm going to need to be walking because friends keep helping out by delivering us great meals. Fortunately some have also volunteered to go walking with me. Maybe we can find a balance of the calories gained by eating the goodies and lost by the walking.
Here's an photo from several years ago of Kat and I on Exit Glacier. I'm looking forward to a return climb before the summer is out.
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